
Dameware mini remote control remove uninstall
Dameware mini remote control remove uninstall

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  • dameware mini remote control remove uninstall

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  • and allowing it to push the 9.0 DWRCService to clients (as per Dameware's recommended approach). So I gave up and re-wrote our deployment scripts:ġ.) Used only on fresh/new/virgin machines to install the DWRCService (so in this scenario I don't need to worry about uninstalling any previous versions because it's a recently wiped/imaged machine)Ģ.) Upgrading the DWRC Host package 7.5 to 9.0. I wish they'd be more transparent/document how to achieve this.

    dameware mini remote control remove uninstall

    So SOMEHOW Dameware is able to overwrite those files even though I can't do it manually. and when that machine eventually reboots, the. If I have a machine that has DWRCS 7.5 and I push DWRCS 9.0 to it. Rd %systemroot%\DWRCS\ /s /q (removes everything BUT fails to delete DWRCSE.dll, DWRCSh.dll and DWRCWXL.dll because "ACCESS IS DENIED". "C:\Windows\DWRCS\dwrcs.exe -remove" (seems to succeed, but fails to remove/delete the DLL's) Regsvr32 /u C:\Windows\DWRCS\dwrcsh.dll (successfully unregisters the DLL, but can't unhook it from the shell) Net stop "Dameware Mini Remote Control" (successfully stops the service, but can't remove it) I tried quite a few variations of the following: I spent a lot of time on this and not gonna waste anymore. In a perfect world, I'd like to have a good silent upgrade script that works painlessly/smoothly for the coworkers in my Dept to get them all upgraded to Dameware 9.0. I don't see anything helpful on the Dameware forums (unless I idiotically missed something, which is possible). which results in crashing/restarting of Explorer. but the install process needs to overwrite the DWRCSH.dll file.

    dameware mini remote control remove uninstall

    Tried simply installing Dameware 9.0 over the top of 7.5. which results in Explorer (desktop) crashing and restarting. Tried a scripted uninstall with an additional command to forcibly remove the C:\Windows\DWRCS\ folder. but it leaves the aforementioned Folder and also leaves the aforementioned file. Typical (non-scripted) uninstall by going through Add/Remove programs successfully uninstalls Dameware 7.5. and I can't seem to find a way to gracefully remove it without crashing Explorer.EXE The file C:\Windows\DWRCS\dwrcsh.dll is a component of Dameware that hooks into the Explorer Shell. however I've hit a snag that I can't seem to overcome. I'm about 99% done writing a script that upgrades Dameware 7.5 to 9.0. posting this question here because I bet you guys/gals are more familiar with Dameware than some of the other forums.

    Dameware mini remote control remove uninstall